Friday, December 26, 2008

Something lighter..

The last post was my opinion on several things i discussed seriously with a few people over the past week or so. about. The topics were numerous but those two issues struck a personal cord, which was why I decided to blog about it.

Anyway, I've felt like writing something lighter this time, something not so serious. . . .maybe what have I been up to this week..

Been gathering reference material on the internet for my next scale modelling project. Thanks to certain websites, I can now fully enjoy the wonders of file sharing by downloading as many e-books on model making and reference material on the various type of aircraft which I'm considering to build. Though I originally planned to build a Sukhoi Su-27, on a trip to nanyang I stumbled across a 1/72nd scale Thunderbirds F-84G Thunderjet, which is of considerably greater quality, so that plan may be scrapped. Besides i already have the references for the Thunderjet.

An overview of the model kit:

I'm also scavenging for materials, tools and the such: cheap alternatives to specialist modelling products (which would cost me an arm and leg!).

My temporary workbench: an old computer desk with rollers. My tools, glues etc are piled up in those drawers. Haven't started collecting paint yet; the cutting board is just the base of an old calendar/planner; gathered some gud cockpit pics and old technical diagrams on the F-84.

The desired outcome

Apart from that, I'm still reading Simon Singh's 'Big Bang', an exciting look on the theory of how the universe was created. I'm now in week 5 of my exercise program, based a guide book published by the Singapore Armed Forces on preparing for their physical proficiency tests and I have to say that they're standards are quite stringent (really!!). Anyway, it feels good to finally get my heart pumping harder after months of idleness and having the fresh air clear my head.

Well, that's all for now then, good night and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Self Realisation...

To my dear friends, with regards to our discussion, I've given those topics some thought, and think that some of the conclusions I've drawn out, especially on the topic of relationships, maybe worthy of being blogged about.

I realised an important lesson when thinking about the various issues you brought up to me. . . like some of you, I did beat myself up badly over relationship matters and it struck to me that if I let such issues affect me longer than what should have been, I would've been on the path to self-destruction. I've seen people, who were like me, freshmen when it comes to this issue; like me they made the foolish mistake of giving it a 110% with no guarantees of success, ignoring signs of problems and rift....they never got out of the downward spiral. I know now of how lucky I was to get that self-realisation and I learnt of the importance of not being too attached until 100% sure. Whatever the case, I still pray that I have a clear head when faced with similar situations in the future and be able to deal with them with more maturity.

Speaking of which, on the second issue, I don't think I'm fit to comment on religion as my knowledge of it is quite basic, but from my personal experience though prayer does give strength and ease when handling adverse situations and I thank Allah for all the blessings he has given me so far and I pray that he make the journey ahead for me smoother.

That's all I have to say, if anyone wishes to comment about this, you're more than welcome to use my C.Box.

Until the next post, bye.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Scale Modelling

I know what some of you are thinking, when the word Modelling pops up you automatically assume it has something to do with Tyra Bank's hit show. Well think again, this is what I meant by SCALE modelling:

A scale model of an F-14B Tomcat, VF-103 'Jolly Rogers'

Apparently this is a hobby not many people here are familiar with:

*****: don't you have any hobbies, anything to do for fun?
Me: yeah, I make models
*****: ohh dats great man, brunei cud use more local models!

Firstly, model making has NOTHING TO DO WITH America's Next Top Model.

It's a hobby in which we create scale replicas of real life/fictional objects either from scratch (anyone in the architecture business knows what I'm talking about) or from commercially available Model Kits:

Some of my unfinished Model Kits

Model making to me, is a challenging hobby in a sense that it takes up time, concentration, creativity and inginuity. One spends time concentrating on prefect construction methods and improvising solutions to problems like poorly fitting parts, damaged details and so on. I'm no professional in this hobby and I'm still learning new skills to improve my model making, but with the completion of every project, I can still feel a sense of satisfaction in seeing the finished product. The hours of construction, fine-tuning and painting the model all pays off when the modeller reviews his creation.

An Italeri F-100 Super Sabre of the French Air Force: my first weathering attempt (watercolour wash, light drybrushing and pastels). Other modellers may note the clouding on the canopy, caused by cyanoacrylate (super glue). Paints used were a mixture of Tamiya Enamels and Gunze-Sangyo Acrylics.

That photo was taken a few years back, and due to my schooling commitments I haven't been able to do justice to this hobby. So, after a two year hiatus I'm picking up the glue and brush again, re-learning old skills and trying to apply new techniques I picked up online.

I'll post some pics of my new project, a PLAAF (Chinese Air Force) Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker when I've made significant progress on it.

Until then, good bye.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Random jottings...


I'm now finally recovering from a bout of food poisoning. It took a full week for the toxins to take effect, and embarassingly, the symptoms decided to start showing themselves in a violent display in the middle of a family reunion. . . . bacteria really do have a good sense of timing!
The culprit, soon to be eliminated by penicillin:
After being issued the standard course of antibiotics and rehydration salts and being lectured on food hygene, I was told to take a couple of days off from my usual commitments....maybe I'll finally complete that tank model which is collecting dust on the shelf...maybe I'll blog more.... maybe I'll start legal proceedings against that odd-smelling restaurant....
I can't make a decision yet, I guess I'll have to sleep over it.

I met an old friend at the clinic yesterday evening and during the long wait we had this interesting discussion on what's been going on in KB (yes, I admit, I don't go down there frequently anymore). Apparently the variety of camps available for us post-O-level students has increased: OGDC organised one (a really fun one I was told, anything involving M-16s and ammunition must be good!!) and so did a few other government bodies (the Anti Narcotics Bureau, religious organisations etc). Also, the Rubik's Cube craze is still going strong. It occured to me that many relics from the 80s are making a comeback, the cube, techno music and so on. It's fascinating to see a toy from my mother's days at school being tinkered by kids today. Retro IS the way to go I guess, but I find the cube simply too frustrating.....

The 6 second solution to the Rubik's Cube

Well that's all I want to write so far, until my next post, take care, keep healthy and remember, avoid eating at places with unflushed toilets.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

An Update...Finally!!!

It's been a while since my last post, and now, for the sake of updating my stagnating blog and fending off insomnia, I think that I should write something.

So, in the past two months:

1) We had our O-Levels:
I've given it my best and I pray for a desirable outcome. Enough said about that!

2) We had our class party:
I hope everyone had a good time, sorry for the food poisoning.

3) The holidays started:
I've finally got the time to do some reading, get serious on exercising (the top priority for these holidays) and enjoy some leisure activities.

I'll try to put up more posts this time (honestly, I will) and until then,
